
Chillin' In The Freezer

I love my job, I really do. Most people hate their first minimum wage (or the job they are in now) but I am defying all odds by saying that there is no where else I would rather be on a weekday or Sunday night (Fridays and Saturdays are another case).

It's not that I like dealing with costumers although I have acquired a very friendly personality (towards them). What I love to do is restocking. Ice cream, cups, cones. Anything that can be replaced at work. Today was super busy and I only helped like 10 people total because I was restocking everything. My coworkers love me for it (and say I'm working to hard) and I love them for dealing with costumers (and for not letting me sweep or mop because I was "restocking too hard"). It's a nice system we have going on. They never need to run to the back because everything is full at the front.

I noticed that people especially don't like to restock the ice cream which makes no sense to me! I think it might be because you have to pull out the old tub, scrap off the ice cream on the sides, get a new (heavy) tub and blah blah blah (there's more steps but I won't bore myself with them). I live in the freezer though! I get so hot and sweaty "restocking like crazy" that the cold air in the freezer is pure bliss. And today I finally did something that I have been fantasizing about ever since I started working at my ice cream parlor.

I organized all the ice cream by alphabetical order. Oh yeahhhhh.

It's supposed to be in alphabetical order but the coworker that I restock ice cream with when we get ice cream deliveries always does a half-ass job so today I put on a jacket and stayed in the freezer organizing the ice cream for 30 minutes. Now I know exactly where everything is. I love my life and job.

Andre the "Crazy Restock-er"

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