lol some guy was dressed up as the Statue of Liberty |
Oh and while I was riding the subway I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden (I really need to start paying more attention to my surroundings...) music bursts into the air. What type of music? Mexican Mariachi music. Somewhere along the trip an ensemble of guys boarded the subway and just started jamming away. It was quite random, I would have loved to film it but didn't have enough time.
Next up we went to Ground Zero which for those of you who have been living under a rock was what the area where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to stand. It was a little sobering but I barely remember what I was doing when it happened and don't know anyone who was directly affected bu it. Still, I liked and respected the memorial on one of the building next to Ground Zero.
Oh and in case anyone is wondering, yes, squirrels also inhabit NYC.
As we were walking along to a subway entrance we were distracted by some music and a group of people who were circling something. My mother and I, being the nosy people we are, decided to go and check it out. Turns out it was a very cool Turkish dance group performing in the streets! I'm not sure if it was for some NYC dance group or a college dance group but it was fun watching them dance.
The Face thing above was very cute to watch since it really did look like a little person until you saw the face breathing just like a stomach does! Don't trust my word on its coolness? Just watch more below:
We then proceeded to walk to a place that everyone knows about. Wall Street! This is supposedly where I will want to be working in the future after I study Finance or Economics. Well see how that goes...
After we took pictures of Wall Street my poor camera died! It told me that it was at full battery but apparently it was lying. *sad face* So the next part will be picture less. After wall street we walked up to China Town and then proceeded to eat in Little Italy. Little Italy was probably my favorite place in New York after central park. We went to Mulberry Street which was chock full of Italian ristorantes with little tables and chairs outside. While the street in itself wasn't pretty I loved how everything was so relaxed and the weather was so perfect and the waiters so friendly!
My day soon soured a little though when my mom decided that it was necessary to walk 50+ blocks back to the Bus Station that would take us to our hotel! I remember telling my mom that she made me lose an hour and a half of my life, any feeling I had left in my feet, possibly a pound or two and that I had nothing to say to her for the rest of the trip. Pshh yeah right, we made up like 10 minutes later *smh*
I wasn't a very happy camper after walking 4 and a half miles... |
I really enjoyed my trip to New York, it was very fun. I don't think I'll ever live there though. There's too many people (smokers in particular), too much crazy traffic, taxes that are too high, too much walking and most importantly too many germs! I was using my hand sanitizer like crazy. So many people touching so many of the same things with their unwashed hands *shudder* ugh I don't even want to think about it!
There were some things I really loved though. First was the fact that even though the city is made up of very tall buildings there were a lot of green parks besides Central Park spread out across the city. There were also signs that said that smoking was not allowed in the park. Secondly, there were NO children! I'm pretty sure I saw more squirrels than toddlers in my trip that how scarce they were (which was fine by me). Most significantly though is the fact that New York City would provide an endless amount of blogging material. There is just so much going on that I don't think I would ever run out of things to blog about. But I know deep down inside that DC is my home and has been for almost my entire life. I do plan on traveling to other parts of the state this summer though so please stay tuned!
My favorite picture taken in NY |
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