
Food for (my) Thought(s)

So here I am eating Mac and Cheese wondering what in the world to write about. I think I may have blogger's block because I have not been able to come up with any witty or funny stories! I could tell you about my day and how I had a Mother's Day brunch with my mom and grandma or about how I actually knew what to do for the chemistry homework or even about working at my job. But the fact of the matter is that none of those moments are blog-worthy. So instead I will write about something thtat has been on my mind lately.


I'm not entirely sure why we clap. Sure we clap when someone is done giving a presentation or when a big announcement is made but why? I mean, we can do the same thing by telling people what a good job they did or how proud we are of them. Or we could just stomp or feet. Regardless I'm still beating around the bush here. What I really want to talk about is clapping for yourself! I find it so awkward when I am in a situation where I must clap for myself. Isn't it sort of vain?

Picture this: I'm at the Padres Latinos meeting on Saturday because that is a requirement as my role as Secretary in the Hispanic Leadership Club (Oh yeah I could have blogged about that...Well guess what guys? I'm the new secretary for the Hispanic Leadership Club. I had to go a very thorough interview and application process which I found a little weird since most clubs just hold elections for their officers. anyways back to the story) and they were announcing all the new officers. The new officers would stand up and go to the front of the room where they would either a) applaud for themselves or b) stand there awkwardly. I was the latter because I sincerely don't know what the politically correct thing to do is. I mean I understand when you are part of a group and your all clapping for each other but what do you do when you're alone???

What do you guys think?


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