
Chem, I'll See You Senior Year

This was written on my walk back home around 3:30PM


I'm done with Chemistry! (For now anyways.) I just finished taking my last Unit Test and Final Exam one right after the other. I'm walking home right now listening to Glee. In other words, I'm in a very blissful state of mind (body, not so much). Chemistry has stressed me out so much this year but now it's over!!!

It's not that I hated it. I admit, I really enjoyed Chemistry. It was a love hate relationship. Sometimes I wanted to spend all night doing Chemistry while other days I wanted to rip my notebook to shreds and rip out my hair. Most of all it was the stoichiometry (aka the math part) that I really liked. Most of the times my answers made sense and were right but when they weren't I was sort of clueless. Dr. Newton was one of those teachers who didn't give you answers but made you go out and look for them. Which one day I might appreciate but when I'm constantly getting an equation wrong I'm just like grrr.

Thankfully though all I have to worry about now is Algebra 2 and my final French Exam. I can't believe this year is almost over. Even though the days seemed to drag on the months flew. However the next week better not fly by since it will be my final break before the end of the school. Tomorrow I leave for New York (!!!) an then come back just in time for an early release from school on Friday and then a 3 day weekend. Be jealous. =P


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