As you noticed this is the first off a series of installments of my Pet Peeves. Not that I'm in a pissy mood or anything but I'm too lazy to download pictures from last weekend and tell you how I spent it. So for now you'll have to stay in the dark about that.
I've been compiling this list on my iPod for a while and gave a lot of thought to whether it was really a pet peeve or not. So here's the list in a somewhat arranged order of most annoying to least annoying.
1. When People Cry: I don't know what it is about people crying but it really gets on my nerves and makes me feel super crying. I'm pretty sure it has to do with how ugly and contorted a person's face gets. I'm just like...ew stop that! Especially if it's on TV or a movie because you know that it's not really crying just acting and the faces actors make are just uglier than normal. Especially the guys! I know that everyone cries and I'm not going to lie and say I got my tear ducts removed (I really wish I could though) but when I cry I go to a room, think about why I'm crying and I calm down in less than a minute.
2. Children: I realize that's a very broad category and most of you think I'm abnormal for nit likeing children but I don't know how you can deal with such annoying things! Think about it, they go through so many stages of annoyance. Newborn-1 Year: These I can kind of deal with since they aren't doing much except for vomittying and crying (omg the crying!!! That is THE worst no doubt). 1 year-3 years: Oh no, they can walk! At this point little children are screaming and running around all the place and breaking things and saying the first thing that comes into their mouths. I'm getting energy drained just thinking about it. 4 years-8 years: These kids actually aren't that bad since whatever you say can easily scare them and their in that (what some people find) "cute" inquisitive stage where the ask questions about everything. 10+ years: They are pre-teens/teens and hormonal and rebellious and have created an infinite amount of ways to rub my nerves the wrong way.
3. Monosyllable Text: I'm pretty sure this gets on everyone's nerves but if I waste my time to send you a paragraph long text, PLEASE, for the love of God do not respond with an "OK" or "yeah". After I receive that I have zero interest in talking with you so don't text me 10 minutes later wondering why I haven't texted back.
4. When People Eat/Drink Something I Have Just Served for Myself: This is mostly something that happens at home but it is the quickest way to get on my bad side - especially in the morning. I take my time and put in effort to make myself my sandwich or serve myself a glass of water and if I leave it alone for FIVE SECONDS a bite will mysteriously appear or my glass will be half empty. BLARGANARGAROG!!!!! WHO ATE MY FOOD?!?!?! ROARRRR!!!!
5. People Who Park In All The Wrong Ways: I know I've only been on the road for half a year but I can assure you that if there's one thing I'm really good at, it's parking. The rest of the world? Not so much. And it isn't necessarily people who park crookedly or step on the white line at the supermarket, no, it's the people on my street. I REALLY don't understand what the purpose of your garage AND driveways is WHEN YOU DON'T PARK YOUR CAR THERE! I mean seriously why would you leave your car on the side of a two lane road making it difficult to maneuver around when I'm trying to get out of my street. I mean I understand that a lot of people fill their garage up with crap but that doesn't mean you can't use your driveway! It makes the street seem like there is a party at your house every night or it looks like you have 15 people living in your home.
Well I think those 5 are enough for right now. I'll make an effort to post something a little happier tomorrow don't worry!
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