All my life I always thought I was A+ material. Why not, after all it's in my veins. No, literally, I have A+ blood type. For those of you that don't remember, about a month and a half ago I donated blood (you can read about it here) through Inova Blood Donor Services. I remember them explaining how after they draw blood they'll send it to a lab and run it up for some test and then if I have anything that should get checked they'll notify me but if not I should receive a donor card in the mail. Well ladies and gentlemen I thankfully got my card in the mail along with a little surprise.
What??? O POSITIVE?!? How can this be? But I thought I was A+ material! I quickly called me mother to ask her if this is true and (not to make her look like a bad parent) but she thought I was A+ too! I am going to have to scour through all the medical records my mom keeps and see if it mentions my blood type anywhere and make sure that Inova isn't wrong. How scary is that though? I spent my whole life believing I was A+ blood type and now I found out I am not. It's like my whole identity changed! Well, not really but I'm glad I know the truth now. Had I been in a situation where I need a blood transfusion (I leave the gruesome accident to your imagination) and said I was A+ I could have had a hemolytic reaction and died! Good thing that crises is averted.
So now I went from having the 2nd most common blood type to having the most common blood type in the US of A. I guess there is one upside to this and its that I can donate to all (positive) blood groups now instead of just A or AB. However, I'm screwed because now I can only receive blood from O+ or O-. What I can take out form this experience though is that I need to go donate blood more often (I'm actually just 3 days away from being able to donate).
O+ Andre
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