There is no way to sweetly start this post. As if I didn't like children enough, yesterday one went and threw up his ice cream (among other chunky things!) at the ice cream parlor I worked out. My co-workers went out of their way to go and get me from the freezer in the back where I was looking for some nutty coconut to restock to tell me that I needed to clean up on isle 1. It was the grossest thing I have ever had to do (after scooping my doggies poop!) and I really hope I never ever have to do it again.
Which is annoying because I was no where near the scene of the crime or even helping the couple that decided to give birth to the (several) little monsters. Let's call those co-workers Alan and Sally and they are perhaps the laziest people I have ever worked with. Sally more than Alan to be honest with her stupid little pink iPhone. Sorry hun, but cleaning the same area repeatedly for 5 minutes at a time does not count as cleaning around the shop. But I'd rather not talk about those two lazy bums and how their unproductivity drives me crazy. Instead let's talk about the cool kids at work
My two (possibly 3) favorite co-workers have got to be Deidy and Autumn. Deidy is a 20 something year old studying to be an art teacher and is almost as crazy about restocking as I am. We work our butts of at the beginning of the shift making sure that everything is well stocked and then towards the end do all the cleaning we can with costumers in the store. Which is why we are out of the door 15 minutes after we are officially closed because everything is sparkling and well stocked. Autumn on the other hand is a restocker-wannabe but I still appreciate her effort. The thing I like about her the most is that she likes helping costumers (that's a rarity at my job as terrible as that sounds) and she is really easy to talk to. FInally there is Senayt who, to be honest, I've only worked with once in the two months (omg two months!!) that I've been working at the ice cream shop. But I really liked working with her PLUS she is (was? she's a senior...) an IB Diploma candidate which is amazing because I have a lot of questions for her and she's told me a lot already. She got accepted into some really good schools outside of Virginia but because of certain factors she will be attending Virginia Tech next Fall.
(Anything written before the *** indicates that it was written the 16th of May)
So anyways those are the coworkers of mine that are worth mentioning. So yesterday I was working with Kelly and was restocking ice cream as usual when something really odd happened! I pulled off the lid of a tub of ice cream and look at what weird picture the ice cream residue left!
Kind of looks like me at the end of a long Friday night shift...
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