
Friday the Pained Day

Yesterday was Friday the 13th but if you know me well you'll know that my bad luck is year round and doesn't need to be pegged to a specific date. That's why my Friday the 13th bad luck ran a little earlier than it was supposed to.

Thursday morning I decided to take my bike to school since I would be conducting my science fair project after school (I live almost a mile away and get home in less than 5 minutes on my bike since its all downhill, woo hoo!). So I was riding my bike and as I was turning at the intersection to go up the hill (the morning commute isn't as quick and easy) my bike's handle became loose somehow and I ended up turning far more to the right than I was supposed to causing me to hit the freaking bolt that holds to signal light pole down. Thank God I didn't hit the pole itself otherwise I would have been in a lot of pain!

The second bad thing to happen to me that day was the science fair experiment itself which was a complete fail with lots of made up results since everything my partner and I were doing went wrong. I'd rather not go into details but on a final note would like to say: I really don't like high school science. Or the fact that I always spell the word experiment like this: expirement. It doesn't matter that I know that I how to properly spell it but every time I have to write that word I always spell it wrong the first time, notice that it's wrong, and then I fix it.

Then as I rode my bike home I was turning into my street and I really don't know what it was but something squishy flew into my eye not only producing a very icky feeling but momentarily blinding me and almost crashing into a car parked on the side of the street! It was a terrifying 10 seconds that I pray no one saw.

For the actual day of bad luck here's a list of what happened: My algebra teacher taught something new on a review day that I didn't really understand, I got a bad quiz in French, I got my finger stuck in a little hole on my water bottle's top for like 2 minutes, I tripped going up the stairs at home, I tripped at work walking backwards and I stubbed my finger getting some ice cream from the freezer causing it to swell up and be sore for the next two to three days. You might be thinking FYL but that is a typical day in my life, regardless whether its the 13th or not.


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