
Stupid Logarithms

I promise you I will not speak about anything too mathematical in this post but I just wanted to state how much I hate logarithms right now. Well maybe not all logarithms but the one that started a mess. It's midnight and here I am basically banging my head against the table trying to figure out why my answer isn't right.

You see at my high school you get a math textbook that teachers use to assign homework from. It's a great system because teachers will normally assign just odd problems. Why odd problems? Because there is an answer key at the back of the book for all the odd problems. So I was doing number 33 in my notebook, finished it and then went to check the back of the book. I quickly scan the pages only to see that I'm WRONG!!! "What??? But I am 100% sure I did the problem correctly!" I think, "Oh well, I'll just move on to the next one it's not like Mr. Nojuice checks to see if we have the right answers". So I go on to number 35, solve it and check the problem at the end of my textbook. WHAT THE SQUARE ROOT I'M WRONG AGAIN! At this point I want to bang my head against the wall because even though I thought I knew something I apparently didn't and I really didn't understand why I was wrong. So I circle that problem as well and move on to the next one. Guess what? I was wrong again! At this point I was about to start crying. Not out of hopelessness (I'm not that wimpy) but because I am tired and my allergies clogged my nose up and because I was so frustrated that I couldn't understand the homework. Well even though the third time is supposedly a charm (and it wasn't) I decided to persevere with the stupid logarithms homework only to fail for two more problems.

I decide I'm going to give up as soon as I try the 7th problem I tell myself. And even though I got it wrong I found out something very important.


FML is all I have to say to that. Good night.


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