
Top 7 Wishes for Glee 3

After about 10 since it's premiere I finally had a chance to watch the season finale of Glee's second season. It was amazing and I am very sad to say good bye to Glee for the next few months. As I mentioned here I like Glee because of the music and the things that the writers have the actors say are hilarious. However, the plot line could definitely be written a little better...so I have decided to bring it upon myself to write my Top 7 wishes for Glee Season 3.

1. Tina Needs to Finish a Song
I don't remember a single song in the whole entire season which Tina sings alone. Every time the poor girl sings things go funny. She broke down crying during the Valentine's Day episode and was booed of the stage in another episode. the only time I remember her singing was in "The Dog Days Are Over" but then again Mercedes is wailing and screaming in the background so she doesn't really get to shine. So let's just give Tina, who is on the actual cast unlike Sam or Sunshine or Blaine, a solo please.

2. Get Emma and Schuester Together
They have been chasing each other for two seasons in a row yet always get distracted by other people. We all know that they love each other so it's about time they get together in the third season. Plus Schuester is annoying and maybe if they pair him and Emma up he'll appear less (or even better, won't sing as much).

3. More Rachel/Kurt Moments!
Of all of the characters on the show i think that Rachel and Kurt have the most chemistry. Not attracted to each other of course but their friendship seems most realistic. Sure the other characters are friends but at least Rachel and Kurt's friendship is platonic whilst everyone else has some secret agenda. Plus whenever they get together to sing its magical and touching (Defying Gravity, Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy, For Good).

4. Other Glee Clubs
But not like the Warblers. Not that I didn't like the Warblers but they were featured way to often. What I mean by other Glee Clubs is the ones that appear at the competitions. Like the girls in white dresses at Nationals or even Vocal Adrenaline. It's always a nice change of pace when there's a different Glee club singing if only for a minute or two.

5. More Original Songs
I don't know why I was so against the idea of Glee singing original songs but when you have songs like "Trouty Mouth" and "My Cup" there's no wonder why I love them now. The kids come up with the most hilarious lyrics whenever they are writing new songs. And their more serious songs for competitions are also good (especially since I have had "Light Up The World" stuck in my head every morning I wake up).

6. Have Sue Disappear for a While
This sounds odd coming from me since Sue is without a doubt my favorite on the show but I feel as if the writers of Glee need to take her off the show for a while. In the last two season Sue has had several ups and downs from hating Glee club and Schuester to being bffs with Schuester to pushing kids into lockers to being devastated by her handicapped sister's death. I believe that Sue might be having an identity crises and the writers need to decide what direction she's going to go in for the next season. If that means taking her off for a while, so be it.

7. Stop Being Inconsistent!
Like I mentioned, Sue doen't really know what she wants anymore and neither do the other characters. The actors will say something one episode and then have it never happen the next. I remember Quinn threatening to ruin National's for everyone but there she was happily dancing along with everyone else. And once again, what the heck is going on with Karofsky? They spent the whole season building up his plot line and then they never finished it. To conclude, what is the purpose of Lauren? She's not even funny can we please get rid of her?

As you can see I have high expectations for Season 3 and hopefully I won't be disappointed. We'll see how that goes down...

Update You Later (I promise it won't be Glee related),

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