
Introducing Summer 2011!

I have been dying to write this post but really wanted to wait until I was officially out of school. Its not a list of things I want to accomplish its more a list of places I'm going to go. We could call it my summer itinerary for 2011. I'm very happy to announce the following three major locations.

Petersburg, Virginia - While this location certainly doesn't sound very exciting its not so much the city that I am visiting but the university located within. Last March I applied to the Hispanic Youth Institute program and was fortunately accepted! So I will be spending four days at Virginia State University participating in "college and career workshops, connect with local Hispanic professionals, meet college admissions officers, interact with near-peer mentors, listen to inspirational speakers, and compete for scholarships." (source).
Dates: July 20th-23rd

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - I have planned a day trip to the birthplace of America with a friend from school primarily to visit the prestigious University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School!) as well as Drexel and Temple University. Other sites of interest would be the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.
Date: August 4th

and finally the most exciting one yet:

London, England - Yipee! I am super excited for my second visit to Europe, the first being several years ago to Greece with my Tia Cachi. My godfather lives in London and has been trying to get me to visit for a while and i have finally answered his call! I will spend 10 very happy days there and will try to soak up as much of the city as I can. My mom will be my primary companion with my dad hopefully joining us for a few days. If you notice the dates below I will sadly miss the first week of school which I am very conflicted about but whatever nothing gets done in the first week.
Dates: August 29th- June 8th

So there ya have it folks, the highlights of my summer! Also planned (to assert my independence even more) is a day trip to

Baltimore, Maryland (college visit)
Richmond, Virginia (college visit)
Washington D.C. (mostly college visits. I've gone through the whole tourist thing but I do want to go to the Holocaust Museum again after reading The Book Thief and seeing Inglorious Basterds)

Those trips will be on the fly though since my boss is...a little peeved that I'm going to be out for a third of the summer and he kind of needs me since everyone else is quitting...oh well. So as soon as I see the next week's work schedule I will see where I can go and send my day because being in my house is driving me crazy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am soooo excited for you and all your planned trips!!! I think I have a little part on the planting of that seed of traveling passion that I passed it on to you, I did loved and I still do love to travel, the world is out there for you to discover, go for it!!you have my blessings! I wish that sometime in the near future we once again enjoy a little adventure together! Do you think that having Tia Cachi as a traveling companion can still be fun?