
Why I Need To Get Out of School

Ah if only I could rant about how school needs to hurry up and finish I would. But that would bore you guys and frustratingly enough half of you out there are probably already out for summer vacation! Grr! Anyways back to the point last Friday I had an awesome school day meaning I did nothing in school. In Algebra I had a trigonometry test which took me about 20 minutes to complete since it was very short and easy since Mr. Nojuice had us memorize the sine, cosine and tangent for 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees. According to him having it memorized will help us immensely in IB Math I so I better ace that first quarter which is dedicated solely to trig...

French as we should all know by know is a joke at my school. I basically watched Veronica Mars (that's a TV show not a person btw) all class long. Then the fun part came and I went to my Induction Ceremony for being the new (but not really) Class of 2013 Treasurer! I got to skip 3rd and 4th block for the following:

Free sandwiches
Free desserts
Homecoming Ideas
Homecoming Executive Decisions
Class of 2013 planning for the next school year.

I spent 3 and a half hours doing those four things. It was awesome and I am super psyched for next year, the theme is very cool and I can assure as the treasurer that my Class will not end up paying $200 for senior dues like the Junior class is. I found it so found to just have a meeting and plan things that I know will get done, I felt so official. I wonder if it will be like that 20 years from now? Me collaborating with my co-workers and making real executive decisions? I hope so!

After stuffing myself with all of the good food that the SGA (Student Government Association) had for me I went to an Ice Cream social for the HLC (Hispanic Leadership Club). It was very chill (ha ha get it?) and I found out that I will have a "working lunch" after school next Wednesday for even more planning for the future of the HLC this time! I love the term "working lunch" I need to hurry up and graduate school already!

Very cool restaurant layout =]
As if I didn't feel fancy and mature enough I went out with my family (sans Valeria and Isabella) to one of the restaurants that my dad's new boss owns (hooray for having José Andrés as your boss! I believe a certain reader would call that a name drop ;P ). I was very nervous about eating at Zaytinia (that's Greek for olive oil fyi) because it was mostly Greek, Lebanese and Turkish food which I have never dealt too much with. I am happy to say though that it was amazing! The food was served mezze style (very small plates, similar to Spanish tapas) and was delicious. Not only that but I surprised myself by how many new things I tried! Believe it or not I had octopus and radish for the first as well as fried squid. It was so yummy I feel like such an idiot for never trying it before! Another cool thing (which reminded me of Glee actually) was that they constantly brought you fresh pita to the table (just like Glee's Breadsticks restaurant). Apparently Greek people are very fond of yogourt because half the dishes on the menu brought yogurt on the side...even dessert!

Hummus, htipiti, baba ghanoush and a lot of other things you could slather on your pieces of pita!
My older sister, Nicole, and I

Overall I am very happy that I stepped out of my normal food limits and tried everything that was brought to the table. This is definitely a contender for my 17th birthday dinner ;)



Anonymous said...

But you should've been familiar with Greek food, eventhough you didn't want to try the grilled octopus when I ordered that day in Athens!!! Wao!! what a nice trip that one was!!! wish we can repeat it!!! :) kissess!!

ANJ said...

mmmmm zaytinya is one of my favorite DC restaurants! name drop all you want if it exposes you to good food :)