
Women Power

So before I begin I would just like to focus your attention on the fact that I didn't use an exclamation point in my title this time! I noticed that I do that often but will now reserve it for only the really exciting post =]

Today in itself was extremely hectic just like the rest of this week has been. I had two very long test (I used up all the class time which is an hour and a half and I actually went over that time in the Government one, curse my slow hand-writing!) in Algebra and Government and was just feeling absolutely drained. I didn't go to fourth block, Chemistry, because I had an assembly today. This wasn't an assembly for just anybody though it was through invitation only and my Government teacher, Mr. Kecar, got us passes in. Apparently the White House called Edison High School and told the administrators that they would be sending some very special guest in honor of Women Rights Month (or something like that). So I left class at 1 (school ends at 2:15 by the way) and went to the library where they were holding the assembly.

Madeleine, Annmarie (both close friends of mine) and I ended waiting an HOUR AND A HALF for these "guest speakers". I remember thinking, "who do these people think they are? I'm missing precious class time and had to sacrifice my EWC picture for this". Well these guest speakers weren't just anybody, they were major SOMEBODY'S. It was a panel of very powerful, influential women. In attendence were: Ambassador Nancy Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure (that extremely huge non-profit breast cancer research organization) and former ambassador to Hungary, Louise Erdrich, a Pulitzer Price winning author, Michelle Kwan, a world renowned figure skater and member of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Also in the panel was Ledisi, a Grammy nominated recording artist and Sherrie Westin, Executive VP and Chief Marketing Officer for Sesame Workshop (the company behind Sesame Street!). 

Nancy Brinker, right, talking about perserverance. Michelle Kwan is at her left.
They talked a little about themselves and then gave some very motivational speeches. Nancy Brinker's speech was very emotional since she talked about her sister Susan Komen and how she developed breast cancer and made her sister Nancy promise her to put an end to cancer. She didn't break down or anything since I'm sure she has said the story before but she sure knew how to make us emotional! I liked how she said that she persevered even though everyone kept on talling her that her organization would fail. But look at her now! Her organization has donated over 2 billion US dollars for breast cancer research. Sherrie Weston was also a very good speaker and had sage advice on always pursuing something you are passionate about. I remember that Michelle Kwan was pretty funny and cracked several jokes. After they gave little bios on themselves and talked, we students got to ask questions but no one asked anything particularly amazing. 

I could feel the aurora of power and confidence these women felt and I enjoyed that. They knew their niche in the world and worked hard to get there and I think Michelle Obama (even though she didn't appear herself which was a bummer) did a very good job in picking them out for this Mentoring program (that was why they came btw). All the ladies on the panel worked their butts off and now have an immense amount of success and I think that is a great inspiration for me. Even though it had some downsides I am very glad I went to this assembly and got to hear these women speak.

From left to right: Sherrie Westin, Ledisi, Louise Erdrich, Michelle Kwan, Nancy Brinker



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