

Today has been full of lies! Well not really, but imagine my astonishment when I went to serve myself some Corn Pops for breakfast and out came Cocoa Puffs!

This of course is something in my house all the time and it catches me off guard every time. My dear mother loves to save space (for select things of course) so she'll put a bag of Cocoa Puffs that came in one of the big Costco sized cereal boxes into a smaller one like the Corn Pops one. A few weeks ago I saw some cupcakes in a plastic box of dates...another prime example of my mom's crazy sorting system:

This is where you would find powdered chocolate...
And instead find coffee...
Yup you can find this type of organization system all over the house if you look hard enough. By the way notice the much better quality of the Nesquick/Coffee pictures! Yup, that's right I got a camera! I've been needing one for a while and adding the blog to the list of reasons of why I need one just pushed me into buying it. Anyways on to something gross.

So I normally go through the lunch line with Mersal and Emma during lunch (duh). Before I get any deeper in the story I just wanted to mention that I haven't eaten a school lunch since the fall semester of last year when the "Spicy Chicken Sandwich" I was eating tasted completely uncooked. Anyways, I was going through the lunch line and when we approuched the (barely every touched) fruits and vegetables section I saw THIS:

GROSSSSS A MOLDY ORANGE! I have been considering buying one of those new "healthy" chicken wraps but I don't even want to buy those! Maybe I should notify someone about this...

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