
Back to Basics

So I think its a good idea to write about a typical day in the life of Andre so that we all know exactly what and who I am talking about. Readers of my blog prepare yourself for an intimate (and very detailed) look at my normal school day.

To start off I have my "Wake up for School Sunshine!" alarm go  off at 5:25AM in the morning. I roll out of bed, stumble into my bathroom, brush my teeth, shower, shave and have a little pep talk about how great the day will be with myself in the mirror. After that I move to my room where I neatly make my bed every morning and proceed to change while listening to the Kayne Show. The Kayne Show is essential to my mornings since it keeps me up with news and the weather and I get to sing along to whatever is popular at the time. At 6:15 I am rushing down the stairs to pack my lunch and eat breakfast. My lunch typically looks like this:

I always have a PB&(orange or raspberry)J sandwich, chips, popcorn, a fruit, something salty & something sweet!

Anyways after that I'm out the door by 6:40 because I have a 25 minute walk to school with my best friends Emma and Melody every day. We arrive to school and proceed (or proceeded) to go to the (now under construction) band room. The first bell rings at 7:20 and I walk to my first class with Melody and Conner.

My first class is Algebra II Honors which is a little bit annoying because for the past three consecutive semesters I have had math first thing in the morning. Mr. Nojuice is my teacher and let me tell you he is one quirky man! He has the corniest jokes ever most of which are math related. Here's a scenario from what happened yesterday in class.

Student: Mr. Nojuice my calculator says low battery!
Mr. Nojuice: Ok here's what you are going to do: take your calculator and raise it above your head...
Student raises the calculator with a confused look
Mr. Nojuice: See, now the calculator has a high battery, ha ha get it?

You get the point.

After that I have French 3 with Ms. Hour which I must admit is pretty boring. There are some pretty funny people but I'm typically surfing the internet on my iPod or doing Algebra homework.

For those of you that don't know Edison has a "block schedule" which means that you take the same four classes in the same order for a semester. I really like it but once you start getting into the more advanced courses year long classes that meet every other day are sprinkled into your schedule. So on Day 1s I have Government Honors with the most amazing Government teacher ever Mr. Kecar and on Day 2s I have Advanced Composition (relax a post about this class WILL pop up) with my favorite teacher Ms. Pizzazz. I have B Lunch every day and while it can get a little jaded with only Emma and Mersal (another buddy of mine) to talk to I still like it.

Finally I end the day with IB Chemistry 1. Chem and I have a love hate relationship going on. Sometimes I really get it and sometimes I just want to through my textbook at the teacher. Not that I would because Dr. Newton is so sweet and adorable (with her expressions and gestures!) She loves that whole "interactive" learning BS with lots of hands on learning and class activities which are not for me! Just gimme a bad PowerPoint with too much text on it and I'll be more than happy to take notes from it. Unfortunately, Dr. Newton does not believe in that so I'm not going to lie, I definitely have to go the extra mile with studying to maintain a good grade. 

The bell finally rings at 2:15PM and I'm back to that 30 minute trek home only with Melody this time because Emma is on the school soccer team.Once I get home at 2:50ish I enjoy the hour and a half of silence I have by doing homework because as soon as my little sister Valeria gets home pandemonium begins...Once I'm done with homework I'll eat with my mom who gets home at 6 and the start watching one of my TV series or read until its time for bed. Pretty dull but I mean we can't have something exciting happen everyday otherwise what will make it so exciting?

Hmm I realize this post may be longer than I anticipated but it's good to have it as a reference for those of you that might get confused when I mention a teachers (obviously fake) name or say something about the block schedule. Well I still have a few more episodes of Dexter to watch before going to bed so that is all!

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