
Morning Mourning

     You would think that my first official post would be happy but unfortunately it's not going to be. Today at school tragedy struck as a senior from my community died. I heard about it during the announcements in Algebra II class this morning. They did not mention the name so naturally the first thing I did was go on Facebook to get information. There I saw the first RIP post of what would be many by the end of the school day.

     So I looked the girls name up and was in utter shock when I realized that I knew her. Not personally, but I remember talking to her after school one day with some other students about IB classes. Up until now I didn't have any connection with this death. I remember her being very nice and laughing a lot but I didn't think about it again during my first and second block classes. It wasn't until my third block class, Advanced Composition (I'll explain this class in a later post) that it truly hit me that this girl is gone forever. One of her close friends was in my class and just like half of the school, she looked like she was going to burst into tears every minute. I just felt extremely emotional as the teacher rounded us all up and talked about some grieving strategies we could use. At this point I still did not know how the girl died. I honestly didn't even think about it because the principal had announced that she had "passed away". When I went to lunch and asked my friends if they had known her I found out that she had taken her own life. Grief hit me once again. This girl was a stellar student who ice skated well and was involved in almost every school play. She had already been accepted into a very good college and like I said, she exuded joy. Needless to say it was a very emotional day especially since I had only the tiniest connection to her.

   Which brought me to my most important revelation of the day. You can never really tell what people are feeling inside. This girl had everything going for her and just decided to end it. Why would she do it? I can't begin to fathom why. I've heard many speculations but its still extremely depressing to think that the world has one less ray of happiness. I also learned more about myself today too. I always thought I would be numb to the death of anyone outside my parents and sisters. I realize this sounds terrible but I'm really not the emotional type. After today though I feel like a mess. I almost shed a tear every time I thought about her death. I'm amazed by how affected I am. So clearly I will be a total wreck if anyone close to me dies.To conclude...well I can't think of what to say except I hope that girl rests in peace.

Due to the sensitivity of the issue I have (obviously) not included the girls name so excuse some of my more vague sentences.

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