
It's a New Dawn


I have decided to embark on a new-could-potentially-become-dangerous-lifestyle: blogging. This definitely beats posting on Facebook where you have your 2 minutes of fame before someone else's post displaces yours. Well the reason I have started this is after reading some amazing post by a certain witty and funny teacher. She has always been an inspiration to me and I just recently got access to her super exclusive blog. And my number one follower also helped convince me of course ;).

What could I, a pretty boring nerd from Va, ever blog about? Well let me tell you know, my life is full of ups and downs, lefts and rights, forward and backwards and as a result I tend to trip a lot. My goal: to have a written account of my last two and a half years of high school (and possibly beyond?). The Plan: to write at least once a week. By the way as a good friend of mine says, "excuse my grammar, I'm foreign!" I can assure you, there will be more than a few errors...

This is me! Yes it's old but I'm to lazy to search for a more current one.

For those of you who know me best this is normally the time I commence my 1 hour get-ready-for-bed routine. So this is good-bye for now!

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