
Mexican Dancing Bread

I forgot to mention earlier that I have been home alone since 6:15AM Friday, March 4th. My parents both decided to go and take some time off but not necessarily together. My mom left to go to the Dominican Republic for a week and my Dad is in Miami celebrating his mom's 80th birthday along with all 5 of his other siblings. I'm not going to lie, its kind of creepy being home alone. But it also has its perks like the complete and utter silence which I love and the fact that I only have to clean up after myself.

Only 10 points apart!
Anyways, yesterday, I had the joy of spending my day with Emma. Little did she know that we would be spending the whole day together! We decided to go to Kingstowne Towne Shopping Center (yeah that's really what it's called!) and eat some Chipotle with Melody and our other friend Conner. To be honest I'm not that big a fan of Chipotle but it's eatable. After that we all decided that we might as well go back to my house and play some wii. This is where the fun began. We cycled through all of my multi-player games playing Just Dance the longest. It was hilarious since we are all pretty...er let's say "uncoordinated". Besides losing to Melody once I pretty much dominated the game with my smooth moves. Dear Melody however, was quite the formidable opponent as you can see above. This was one of the many close scores we got. Unfortunately she left and Emma became pretty corrupt in her game playing strategies afterward. She would take one of my pillows and block my side of the screen while playing tennis in Wii Sports.

Conner then left and Emma and I went to her house where we actually got some (and by some I mean barely anything...at least for me) homework done! Emma and her parents fed my lasagna which also had spinach in it which I had never tried before. I really liked it even though I couldn't really taste the spinach. After we cleared the table we started playing bananagrams the funnest word game ever! With two people though it was sort of difficult and we both had our fair share of saying "dump" (if you don't know what I'm talking about I suggest you look up the rules to bananagrams). Which inspired Emma to make Banana-bread! Except it didn't really come out as it was suppose to...

As you can see the banana-bread had three different layers: Not baked completely, sorta baked and burnt! Emma and I could not stop laughing because not only did it have three levels but it tasted more like limes than bananas!!! Apparently the recipe required for 3 teaspoons of lemon zest (or something) not 1/3 of a cup...

Overall it was a very fun Saturday that I really enjoyed because I was with friends that I've practically grown up with (well except for Conner). This fantastic day was not followed by a not so fun rainy Sunday which was full of laundry, cleaning and homework from every subject. If it weren't for the Chinese I ordered and a surprise visit from a very wet Cappy and Sara (why would anyone want to play in the rain???). As I'm writing this my dad should be close to landing in the DC airport where my uncle is going to pick him up. And so my weekend and its freedom ends!

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