
Its Been a While...

Arghhh where to start! Well for those of you that were worried (which I'm sure you weren't) I did very well on that Chemistry midterm that I thought I had bombed due to a lack of blood. Let's just say my name is A good indicator of what I got. =]

Yesterday there were a lot of things going on. On one hand it was my mom's birthday, on the other hand it was pi day, on one foot Albert Einstein's Birthday and on the other foot it was National Potato Chip Day! For my mom's birthday we went to this restaurant near home called King's Street Blues because for some odd reason my mother wanted burgers. Which sucks because I gave up meat for Lent so I had to watch my parents and little sister eat their burgers while I had some chicken sandwich thing. For her birthday I got her some wall art which fits her personality perfectly.

Today was also a pretty amazing day. Since we were taking a test yesterday in Algebra we decided to celebrate pi day today which we did. I got a grand total of 11 digits (3.1415926535) memorized for the "pi-off" which was really small compared to the 55 five this freshmen girl recited. I pretty much pigged out on apple pie and red velvet cake (it's round so it counts) at 7:30 in the morning during our little "celebration". The highlight of my day was definitely during third period when an EWC tutor decided we needed to give our advertising campaigns a boost.

Tweet! Tweet! Follow us on twitter!

So you can now follow us on twitter! I don't really understand the whole point of twitter so I don't have one but feel free to follow us or whatever it is you do on twitter. Our "twitter bird" then went out into the hall where she proceeded to tell everyone going to lunch "tweet tweet follow us on twitter! tweet tweet!" It was too funny. After that I went to Chemistry where I actually understood everything that Mrs. Newton was talking about! I was ecstatic because normally I have to go home and read the textbook but not today!

To conclude an amazing day I watched my favorite show, Glee, where I saw one of the best episode's of the season! Sue Sylvester punching that old lady in the face was without a doubt my favorite part of tonight's show. Well it's getting awfully late so I will update you on my life later! (UYL! That now stands for Update You Later and is how I will start ending (oxymoron!) my posts)


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