
The Windowless Room

For those of you that don't know Edison is undergoing some (much needed) renovations. There are some classes that were moved out into the trailers and are now gradually moving back in as the new hallways are completed. The new rooms are very nice but all that construction does have its downsides...like the fact that sometimes the roof will start leaking in the unrenovated part of the building...or hearing those pesky drills while taking a Chemistry test...or finding random refrigerators in the middle of the hallways! (That happened last year, I so wish I had a picture!) Overall though, I don't mind the construction because our school is looking nicer and nicer. Plus the construction team is ahead of schedule so maybe they will finish before the Spring of my senior year.

Anyways, the point of my post today is that my Government class moved out from a trailer to a nice room inside. It's just a little bit smaller and more...square than rectangular like the trailer room. The new room is a lot farther away from my second block French class but I'm okay with that. Once it starts warming up I'll appreciate the walk from the French trailer to the Government classroom inside. The only thing I don't like about the new room is that there are NO WINDOWS!!! How is that even possible??? Well apparently the put like three rooms between two hallways...its hard to explain. However, someone decided to draw in a window for us of a very special place on earth. The beach!

We also put in a lava lamp in a little alcove that faces the hallway outside. I laugh (not aloud) every time I see people stop and stare. =]


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