Ignoring the fact that today was a depressingly damp day, where I forgot my umbrella and got rained on when shuttling from class to class, yesterday was gorgeous! It was sort of sunny out and really hot. Walking out of the house with flip-flops, cargo shorts and a t-shirt was pure bliss. And a great way to spring into my last week before Spring Break
Spring, not love, was all throughout the air. You could even smell it. And for those of you that live in monoseason (well two maybe, summer and hot as hell *wink*) countries, spring really is a scent. It brings back warm memories of hearing the grass being cut in our old Annandale home, playing outside with a water hose with Ashley P. and Maddie back in the 6th grade or walking past all these blooming trees to the bus stop last year.
I gotta get pictures while the trees are starting to bloom! |
Without a doubt, my favorite season is Spring because everything comes back to life (including my wardrobe! Get ready for phosphorescent colors my friends). I love how the flowers start to bloom and the temperature gets warmer as the day progresses. Everyone whips out their shorts and tank tops and school just seems livelier. Even though Spring just started everyone wants the school year to hurry up and finish so that Summer can arrive.
I also don’t mind taking Whiskey out for a walk in the Spring because I don’t have to waste 5 minutes bundling up in a coat and hat and gloves and scarf. Clearly it is also Whiskey’s favorite season. I went to go get the mail and find him soaking up some rays trying to tan his pale skinny self!
If only it weren't weird for humans to sunbath on the floor with their pets I would so join Whiskey! |
Ironically, even though Spring is my favorite season I always have to suffer through it because of my ALLERGIES. They are so annoying! Imagine yourself in a room with the Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black and Cee-lo Green all trying to compose a song called Baby, Forget Burning You Up on Friday. It would drive you insane, am I right or am I right? Currently my eyes are both burning and “leaking” at the same time. A runny nose will probably soon follow in the days to come. Hopefully my forehead and arms won’t break out in hives like they did last year…oddly though that doesn’t stop me from going outside as much as possible to enjoy the warmth! And to see squirrels coming out of their slumber =P
I have been formulating this blog entry in my head for the past few weeks hence the pictures from the beginning of April.
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