
Parents + My Stuff = Disaster

I officially grounded my parents from using my stuff ever again. Typically I'm the one who always loses stuff and/or breaks things but my parents have done the impossible in less than a month.

Exhibit A: For those of you who don't see me on a daily basis you probably don't know that my iPod touch contains my life. No seriously, it contains all my contacts, my calender of daily after school activities, I check my e-mail on it, write down my random thoughts to blog about, translate French words into English, listen to music, etc. If there's two things I can't leave my house with out it's my iPod and chapstick. If I forgot my cell phone it's okay because I can just text from my iPod but if I leave my iPod...I'd probably go back home and get it! Well like two weekends ago I lend my iPod to my dad because he wanted to listen to music while he cleaned the garage and less than FIVE minutes later he comes in and says "Andre...we need to talk...something happened". That's when my life came apart...well not really but he did crack my iPod!!! I actually felt really numb about it and wasn't upset about it until much later. I don't mean to sound materialistic but my iPod is so useful and makes my life incredibly organized. Here's a picture of the damage!

Exhibit B: Its actually a really long story so I'll make it short. My mom borrowed my phone to go to a walk-a-thon on the metro and on her way back she dropped it! So I don't have a picture of the damage that was done because I don't have the phone! I spent this last week without a phone and while it was inconvenient luckily I had my iPod to text from. And you know what? I'm 100% fine with my mom losing my phone because guess what? I upgraded to a blackberry! It arrived yesterday and I have been collecting numbers from people since. Btw I'll refer to blackberrys as "bbs" from now on.

Goodbye Sansung Messanger Touch, you were a good phone.

Now there's actually an interesting story about how I feel about blackberrys. When I lived in the Dominican Republic they were all the rage (they were even more popular than iPhones which blew my mind). I remember thinking, "why would all these teenagers want a phone fit for an executive?" I really didn't understand why people would want a business phone. I think it might be because of the bb chat which is free messaging from one bb to another. Regardless I made a vow to myself that I would never get a bb until I worked. And up until last Tuesday I really had no interest in having a bb. When I bought it Tuesday night I was thinking to myself, "Okay I'll buy this bb now and then in a few months when the iPhone 5 comes out I'll give my blackberry to my mom or sister". But once it arrived and I started messing around it I fell in love with it. It's faster than my old phone, I don't have to click through 5 different menus to text like I use to, I can check my e-mail on my bb, I get real internet which is 10x faster than the one on my old phone and best of all I have access to bb chat which equals access to one of my closest friends, Gaby (we talked for hours on Thursday by the way).

So to conclude, Apple you better make the iPhone 5 a beast because I'm not so sure I'll leave my bb so easily!


1 comment:

Ms. Arizona said...

We should BBM soon dude!