
Getting Down and Dirty

Well actually it's more like getting down and rid of the dirty because if there is one thing that sets me apart from all other stereotypical teens its that I am an OCD clean freak. Yes, I like vacuuming. Yeah, I jam out to Glee (thank God its back!) when washing dishing. And of course I love folding laundry! But if there's one thing I enjoy cleaning above everything else it's bathrooms.


Well actually not just any bathroom, my bathroom specifically. I literally wake up with a smile on my face every Sunday because I know its time to get down and (get rid) of the dirtiness in my bathroom. Not that my bathroom is dirty, but it isn't squeaky clean after a week of usage. And I do listen to upbeat music while cleaning so it isn't boring.

Now I know you guys are probably thinking "ew why would you want to clean a tiolet???" Well, why wouldn't you want to clean a toilet? (that's rhetorical btw and fyi I know how to aim...sorry tmi...btw = by the way, fyi = for your information and tmi = too much information for those of you that don't know). Do you how many germs can accumulate if you don't clean your toilet? Not to be graphic but I know I wouldn't want to sit my booty on something germ-infested! And for those of you that aren't fortunate enough to have a door between your toilet and sink like moi, did you know that every time you flush germs are thrown in the air and most likely land on your sink or worse...your toothbrush! (or you could use a medicine cabinet but be careful since germs thrive in dark places and your toothbrush will probably also be damp!) So let's re-think about how important it is to make sure you have a clean toilet!

And what about your sink? Where you probably brush your hair over and all the pollen and gross air particles fall down on it (and possibly your toothbrush). And then let's not even mention all the soaps, creams, facial washes, toothpaste (I really hate toothpaste residue) residues that always fall down on the counter top. It's gross, unsanitary and needs to be washed. ASAP.

Yes I am very germaphobic but at least I'm not obsessive about it...well, I'm not that bad. And it's not like I have a special, old toothbrush that I use to scrub the plaster/calk in between the tiles on the floor...I'll just leave it at that.

So go on and clean your bathroom, meanwhile I'm going to take a shower (in my squeaky-clean-cleaned-just-two-days-ago-shower) to remove the ice cream plastered to my forearms.


I just found this online when I searched "Clean Bathroom" on Google. I think I'll print it out, laminate it and post it above my toilet!


Ms. Arizona said...

Haha I miss you and your germaphobic butt(: One of the weirdest people I know but I still love you Andre.

Madeleine said...

Please come live in my house haha :) you can do all the bathroom cleaning and clothes folding you want!