
Meet Death, An Excellent Storyteller

I've been reading this amazing book that I know that some of you have read already. It's called The Book Thief (by Markus Zusak) and it's amazing. I don't want to give the book away (which is impossible seeing as I haven't finished the book myself...) but one of the things that have amazed me the most about the author's style is the narrator, Death. It took me a long time to figure out who was telling the story and once I did I was like, "Oh that makes sense!" Here's just a little excerpt that I really enjoyed:


It was a year for the ages, like 79, like 1346, to name just a few. Forget the scythe, Goddamn it, I needed a brrom or a mop. And I needed a vacation.

* * * A Small Piece of Truth * * * 
I do not carry a sickle or scythe.
I only wear a hooded black robe when it's cold.
And I don't have those skull-like
facial features you seem to enjoy
pinning on me from a distance. You
want to know what I truly look like?
I'll help you out. Find yourself
a mirror while I continue.

And then he goes on to talk about collecting the soul of slain Jews and I'm guessing that our faces become so contorted with fear that that is what Death's face look like? Regardless the book is full of Death's little words of wisdom's and the book is just great. Actually I realize I haven't said much about the book except for her the narrator is. Well, the book is set in Nazi Germany near the beginning of 1942. Even though Death is the narrator, the true protagonist of the book is Liesel Meminger who learns the magic of books and steals them whenever she can. I have no idea what goes into a good book review but that is all I'll say about the book otherwise I might end up just telling you the whole book! SO, I highly suggest you go out and read it!



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