No I know most of you out there probably don't watch Seinfeld (hopefully you know who they are at least!) and don't worry, I don't either. I have watched episodes with my parents though when we decide to watch TV at night. One of the episodes I remember and always comes to mind is when Jerry Seinfeld goes to get a haircut but for some reason (I don't remember why) he doesn't want his usual barber to cut his hair. So instead he goes through all this work to try and get a haircut from the barbers assistant (or son?) and the whole episode kind of centers on him trying to avoid his usual barber after he gets his hair cut. Its actually a pretty funny episode (heck, its a pretty funny TV show!) once you watch it because its true.
I myself have found myself in the most awkward position over the last 6 months. This woman named Julia used to cut my hair and she worked Mondays through Saturdays with like a Tuesday off or something. Julia cuts my dads hair and that's why when I moved back to the States my dad took my to Julia. The only problem was that Julia was left handed! Ok well I'm actually not 100% sure that that was the problem but nonetheless I didn't like the way Julia cut my hair. So I called in one day and using a fake, deeper pitched voice I asked if Sofia, the woman who cut my hair back when I was in elementary school, still worked there. To my surprise they said yes! However, she only worked on Saturdays for some reason.
So I go in the next Saturday and I swear I visibly cringe as Julia waves at me and tells me she'll be done with her current customer in 5 minutes. Meanwhile, Sofia sees me like 10 seconds later and waves me over since I sort of had an appointment with her. Looking down at the ground I walk by Julia murmuring "I need a haircut really quickly, sorry". To this day it is so awkward whenever I go get a haircut and make eye contact with her!
I truly understand Seinfeld's discomfort! I mean here I am seeing 'another woman' less than 10 feet away from Julia who probably considered me a loyal client! She knows all about my family and how I never really liked track and I know all about her son who attends Lee and how she finds the American lifestyle so free.
I got a haircut today and when she saw that I was waiting she asked me, "Is someone helping you or are you going to see Sofia?" (well she didn't really stress Sofia's name but I could tell she didn't approve!) Major awkward moment when I replied "Uh...yeah...I'm just waiting for Sofia...*look around the store wildly then pretend to get a text message*" I know how lame but it's just so uncomfortable! Wow it's almost 1 I should probably end here!
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