
Geese among other Animals...

I can only laugh whenever someone has a funny bird story because it reminds me of my best friend Emma and her hatred/terror for birds. Had she been with me today she would have flipped when she saw the following scene covering my running path!

 I had to carefully edge my way around them on the hill to the right. And just when I almost got to that little bridge in the back of the picture one of them started to squawk (or whatever it is geese do) at me and pretended to chase me for a few feet! Needless to say I ran all the way home with no rest stops along the way! I love seeing animals when I run it just makes the experience so much nicer. A few weeks ago I saw a deer, I'm constantly seeing rabbits and I've even gotten quite personal with a mosquito after having him reside in my eye for a few seconds. Ahh good times!

And speaking of amazing animals look at what Emma showed me in one of her magazines!!!

Just when I thought my relationships with squirrels was ever this furry little (err big actually) fellow shows up in my life! I really need to find a new animal to write about...



Introducing Summer 2011!

I have been dying to write this post but really wanted to wait until I was officially out of school. Its not a list of things I want to accomplish its more a list of places I'm going to go. We could call it my summer itinerary for 2011. I'm very happy to announce the following three major locations.

Petersburg, Virginia - While this location certainly doesn't sound very exciting its not so much the city that I am visiting but the university located within. Last March I applied to the Hispanic Youth Institute program and was fortunately accepted! So I will be spending four days at Virginia State University participating in "college and career workshops, connect with local Hispanic professionals, meet college admissions officers, interact with near-peer mentors, listen to inspirational speakers, and compete for scholarships." (source).
Dates: July 20th-23rd

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - I have planned a day trip to the birthplace of America with a friend from school primarily to visit the prestigious University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School!) as well as Drexel and Temple University. Other sites of interest would be the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.
Date: August 4th

and finally the most exciting one yet:

London, England - Yipee! I am super excited for my second visit to Europe, the first being several years ago to Greece with my Tia Cachi. My godfather lives in London and has been trying to get me to visit for a while and i have finally answered his call! I will spend 10 very happy days there and will try to soak up as much of the city as I can. My mom will be my primary companion with my dad hopefully joining us for a few days. If you notice the dates below I will sadly miss the first week of school which I am very conflicted about but whatever nothing gets done in the first week.
Dates: August 29th- June 8th

So there ya have it folks, the highlights of my summer! Also planned (to assert my independence even more) is a day trip to

Baltimore, Maryland (college visit)
Richmond, Virginia (college visit)
Washington D.C. (mostly college visits. I've gone through the whole tourist thing but I do want to go to the Holocaust Museum again after reading The Book Thief and seeing Inglorious Basterds)

Those trips will be on the fly though since my boss is...a little peeved that I'm going to be out for a third of the summer and he kind of needs me since everyone else is quitting...oh well. So as soon as I see the next week's work schedule I will see where I can go and send my day because being in my house is driving me crazy.



3, 2, 1, Summer!

Ahh summer! How nice it was to wake up at noon today and know that I have only a few cares in the world! I wonder how that will affect my blogging. Now that I have more time will I be more likely to blog or will I be more lazy with my blogging now that I have little responsibilities? I guess we’ll find out soon!

It’s weird to think that I will not have to wake up at 5:30 every morning to go to a building with over 1200 other hormonal teenagers. I will have some type of structure though! You know me, I’m always making my list and what’s sad is that I have even made a list on what I am going to do on my lazy, unproductive days (which is the rest of this week only! After that I’m waking up at 8 a.m. every day). But the list I do want to have a permanent record of is of the major things I want/need to get done this week. Things such as:

Run that 5K! Unfortunately I will not be able to run it for a cause since I can’t find anything that work with my summer schedule. I will still run it alone and I will track my time!)

Take A PSAT Course…with myself. I plan to take time to study vocab words, math problems and general tips and tricks of the exam. I am a firm believer in the idea that you have to practice the test (not necessarily the material) to pass the test. Which is why I have ten practice PSATs ready to be taken on my desk!

Learn the French Language…not from scratch though. I have 4 years of French and I still feel like I am mediocre at it. I hate it when my friends say that they don’t understand the material because they have a bad teacher (‘cuz most of the time it is thhe student’s fault) but I have to cave in and say that my teacher is terrible. You’ve seen all the post, there’s no doubt that I am going to have to learn it by myself.

Work Like Crazy…I have already covered two people’s shifts this week and I plan on taking on as many shifts as possible. I’m a big saver and I want to work as hard as a can this summer and make a lot of (chocolate chip cookie) dough (ahahahaha ice cream humor!) My plan is already working since today I was just promoted to ice cream cake builder! How exciting.

Travel…I’m going to be mum about this for another few days but just wait and see my travel plans for the summer of 2011!

Those are just some of my big goals for this summer. I also have a big list of other things I need to do but aren’t as important such as:

  • Finish watching Weeds, Dexter and Veronica Mars
  • Paint the garage walls
  • Reorganize my closet
  • Major deep cleaning of my room and bathroom
  • Complete my English summer reading assignment
  • Do my History of the Americas and French summer assignments
  • Organize the music on my iPod
  • Unsubscribe from all the stupid spam e-mails I get
Ahh I love having To Do List! Overall though I hope my summer is super relaxing because Sophomore year was intense and Junior year is supposedly the hardest and most important.

Lazy Andre


Cool Plates

I'm pretty sure I've constantly mentioned how much I enjoy my job and the people I work with. Our relationship however, was taken to a whole new level after work Saturday. After wiping the last counter down one of my coworkers invited us all to join her for a midnight snack! (Excuse the bad quality pictures, I only had my iPod on me)

I laughed so hard that night, these people have the most hilarious stories ever. And then when we were leaving I almost passed out when I saw this license plate. I am very jealous!

This one was funny too =]


End of Sophomore Year Barbecue

Whew what an intense weekend! School is one day away from ending and I just had an amazing weekend. Who knew not working Friday nights could be so fun?

As a way to say goodbye to the school year I invited my closest friends to a barbecue last Friday night. Although several people couldn't come because of Father's Day fishing trips or random trips to West Virginia, I still had fun with the people who came. A total of 409 pictures were taken if that says anything about the night! Don't worry though, I won't post all of them on here, just a few dozen ;)

The night started off with some Just Dance Wii games to get people's blood flowing. It is hilarious watching people play and (most of the time) dance in sync. Not only that but all of my shots are of people laughing, I LOVE THOSE TYPES OF PICTURES!

Poor Emma is almost always lost!

We temporarily cooled down with a hand of Apples to Apples. Kara came out on top with Mersal and I coming in on her heels as second place. The game was funner than I thought, thank you Maddie!

Then came the funnest part of the evening. The Twister Championship Games. We went in groups of three and the winner of each went on the the "Champions Round". Kara and Abbie had a tie in Round 1

I think that the reason Twister is called that is because not only do you twist your limbs into odd and sometimes painful positions, but you are also very likely to be intertwined with other people...in awkward positions too! Emma was the proud winner of Round 2!

Like this awkward position!

Round 3 was by far one of the longest and most intense. I felt like I was drenched in sweat it was gross! But guess who advanced on to the Champions Game? Yup, moi =]

Another awkward position...

Finally, the champions game. 4 already kind of sweaty teenagers. Only one champion. Who will come out as the Twister champ?

Oh no! Cramp!

Unfortunately I did not win the distinction of being Twister champ but Abbie did. I proceeded to kick but again though in Just Dance.

James, Brandon, Melody and I

And to conclude we decided to do a quiet intellectual game of...BANANAGRAMS!!!

Emma and I dominated the game mwahahaha. I know deep inside that last Friday night was the night I will always remember for my Sophomore year just like playing in the snowcopalypse was the memory I tacked on to Freshmen year. All of the people who I invited where people that I hold close to my heart and that I smile every time I see. Especially these two girls who made Chemistry (along with James and Natalie) bearable. Who knows, maybe they will soon join my blog readers!

Kara, me and Abbie


One World Essay

What a bland title =/ well whatever. Anyways here is the second piece of my writing that I wanted to publish on my blog. This was my One World Education submission which competed against about 500 other pieces and was won along with 12 others. I have to warn some of my readers though, what you read may not be want you want to read. These are fragments of memories that I have from the Dominican Republic and what I saw. While there may be exceptions this is the overall mood and feeling I got from the relationships between Haitians and Dominicans. It is in no way pretty and while, yes, it can shine a bad light on Dominicans it also doesn't represent the Dominican culture on a whole. It's like nice people with skeletons in the closet. Dominicans have a warm culture but there are some issues that should be resolved. Enjoy

An Island Divided: Haiti & Dominican Republic

The sugar cane fields of Los Cañaverales are acres upon acres of tall bamboo-like plants that create one of the sweetest tastes on earth.  As we whizz past them on a narrow highway their vibrant green leaves lazily wave at me, trying to reach up and touch the cloudless blue sky.  My family and I smile at the beauty of the sugar cane fields as we travel from Punta Cana to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic because we had recently  moved to Punta Cana for my father’s new job.
We make these excursions from Punta Cana to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, two or three times a month to visit family, shop for food, or tighten my braces.  It was one of the happiest family bonding times we had as we rushed by all the greenery, singing and laughing and playing memory games.  Every once in a while we’d see a dark blur hacking away with its machete at the sugar cane trying to get to its stalk.  I never once thought twice about these workers, all of them who are Haitian, as they worked endlessly under the hard sun every day before they returned to returned at night to their bateyes, which are little communities of one-room, wood houses covered by light, zinc roofs.
            After living in Punta Cana for a few weeks I ask my classmates why it seemed that Haitians were the only ones working out in the sugar cane fields, or doing construction in Santo Domingo.  They laugh at me and one of them makes a snide joke about the Haitians working on the house next door that is under construction.  I am confused yet say nothing.  These are not the kind people I associated with the typical warm and friendly Dominican culture so I just ignored it and continued talking.  However, soon afterwards I heard a classmate say to another student, “You’re such a Haitian,” as a clear and direct insult.
            In the evenings as I walked my dog I’d see the flickering fires at night where tall apartment towers were being built.  It is at dusk when the Haitian construction workers are finally allowed to stop working.  As a large group, every man then walks to the mini-markets to buy a little food with their meager daily pay.  I occasionally say hello in French or Spanish but they just look at me funny and shuffle away.  After several attempts I just stop doing it.  They viewed me as a Dominican and alienated themselves from me.  Even Maxime, the Haitian man who watered the neighborhood lawns always looked behind his shoulder when my family offered him a glass of cool water.  The last time I checked offering a working man a glass of water was not a crime.  We continue to give Maxime refreshments until one day he just disappeared and we never saw him again. 
My eyes are truly opened to the relationship between Dominicans and Haitians in History class when we learned about Rafael Trujillo,  a Dominican dictator, who ordered the death of tens of thousands of Haitians that lived in the Dominican Republic.  This was mockingly remembered as El Massacre del Perejil, the parsley massacre, based on the fact that Haitians had trouble saying perejil.  In reality it was more of a genocide than a massacre with an estimated 15,000 Haitians dead.  As a dictator, Trujillo did not treat many people well, especially those who were against his rule. But, the fact that massacre is remembered as one of the best things Trujillo in my history class sheds light on the public and widespread divisions between these two groups of people who share one large and beautiful island.
The Haitian children that are born in the sugar cane fields exist without any legal papers. According to the 2010 Constitution of the Dominican Republic, Article 18, a Dominican is any who is “born on national territory, with the exception of the children of aliens who are in transit or reside ilegally on national territory.”  Since most Haitians are smuggled illegaly across the border, any children that are born after the 2010 Constitution was written are not Dominicans nor Haitians.  They have no identity and no official record of being born, therefore they will never be able to travel back to Haiti unless they are smuggled back across the border.  Children get only the most basic elementary education and are technically not allowed to work in the field until they are 18, however since they have no documents that state their age they might be out in the sugar cane fields working at a much earlier age.
The documentary, The Price of Sugar, shows the industry’s labor practices as a form of slavery in the sugar cane fields.  Haitians that live in Haiti are basically signing up for an indentured servitude in the Dominican Republic.  Stripped of any official documents, the Haitians are illegally smuggled across the border in the dead of night and according to the documentary, Haitians were paid less than a dollar a day and with no healthcare.  They receive most of their nutrients from gnawing on pieces of the sugar cane.  Heaven forbid they get injured because no Dominican doctor would ever venture into the sugar cane fields to help a Haitian.
The difference between Haitians and Dominicans is not that great when comparing both countries.  Both nations have ripped up their own constitutions to create a new one (or thirty-eight like the Dominican Republic has) and the governments in both countries are recognized as corrupt throughout the international community.  The public education system of the Dominican Republic is subpar however it is slighly better and more organized than that of Haiti’s.  In terms of resources, the  Dominicans are a lot luckier with fertile soil as opposed to Haiti, which suffers from massive deforestation and an erosion of the top soil.  Before the 2010 earthquake, only 45% of the rural population in Haiti has pure drinking water.  Reports show that there is no way to access accurate information on this statisic more than a year later.
In 2010 a devastating earthquake in Haiti took more than Haitian 100,000 lives and left many more stranded homeless.  However, there was one positive consequence.  An island long divided briefly joined hands to support each other through this crises.  Though I was not living there at the time, the family that I had in the Dominican Republic as well as many of my old classmates helped support the Haitian victims.  At my old school a canned food drive was held as well as any clothes and money donations that people could give.  Relationships between Haitians and Dominicans improved for a while, as an island of two for a short time became one.
On my way to and from Punta Cana, the sugar cane fields do not seem as vibrant. They no longer wave at me but desperately try to hide their secrets. I sadly stare at them knowing that there was not much I could do.  Dominican politicians are off embezzling public funds and besides, it’s not like they care for Haitian rights.  However, I still try to change some people’s mindset about Haitians.  I urged my classmates to drop their racist jokes and that we inhabit the same island and need to start getting along.  Besides, if they got rid of Haitians as many of them wish, who would construct their apartment towers or cut the cane in the field?  Most importantly I went back to saying my greetings whenever I encountered a Haitian on the street.  After all, a little kindness can go a long way and we need to start somewhere.



Me, The Food Critic

Not that I'm running out of things to say but there are a lot of post that I want to save for the end of the school year and have been drafting these past few nights. For now though I wanted to share with you some of the writing I have done in my Advanced Composition that I particularly liked/enjoyed writing. 

This was one of the bi-weekly we had in Ms. Pizzazz's class. It's basically a restaurant review which I did of a very yummy restaurant, P.F. Changs. I really liked how I got to inject as many adjectives into this piece as possible. It was also a great excuse to go out to eat ;) Sadly the stars that I had at the bottom don't want to show up so I'll have to rate it using a 5-point scale.

P.F. Chang’s Asian Bistro
1716 International Dr McLean, VA 22102 - (703) 734-8996
March 8th, 2011

Located in the upscale Tysons Galleria, P.F. Chang’s is a delicious Asian bistro founded by American Chinese chefs. It is a very popular restaurant, however, with a “no reservations” allowed policy wait times typically range from 15 minutes to an hour. Stepping into the restaurant will transport you to a semi-dark haven with large box lanterns that seem to float above you while giving off a dim glow. The boisterous noise level results in a warm atmosphere that is relaxing.

A polite hostess will deftly weave through all the tables sprawled about to seat you. The menu has a wide range of options ranging from Seared Ahi Tuna to Pepper Steak to “The Great Wall of Chocolate”. A kid’s menu is also included for those that bring the entire family. The most notable part of the menu must be the multifarious gluten-free menu which is aimed towards its clients with gluten intolerance. The variety of vegetarian dishes however, is somewhat lacking compared to all of the other carnivorous options.

Most tables, if not all, start out with the crispy Chicken Lettuce Wraps. A delicious mixture of spiced chicken, chopped onions, a bit of mushrooms and water chestnuts, which add a satisfying crunch, are all enfolded in a leaf of iceberg lettuce. Customers can also add the savory signature sauce that waiters make while taking orders. The crab wontons also deserve an honorable mention with their fiery plum sauce on the side.

While most of the items on the menu can be found in a local Chinese restaurant, P.F. Chang’s has several original dishes such as the Chang’s Lemon Scallops. These small, quick fired scallops are glazed in a scrumptious lemon sauce that isn’t too powerful. The Sesame Chicken is also gratifying with fresh red bell peppers, broccoli and onions all covered in a spicy sesame sauce. Most of the other dishes are pretty good but not all of them are superstars.

To end the meal with dessert, the Banana Spring Rolls are a must. The warm and flaky spring roll is paired with a tropical flavored coconut and pineapple ice cream, drizzled in a sweet vanilla and caramel sauce. Or, if belts are too tight, there are little “Mini” desserts which are small glasses filled with layers of the chosen dessert (such as the Triple Chocolate Mousse, yum!) P.F. Chang’s is sure to be a hit with the family or for a date.

--By André Sanabia

FOOD: 4/5



PRICE: 4/5



Why I Need To Get Out of School

Ah if only I could rant about how school needs to hurry up and finish I would. But that would bore you guys and frustratingly enough half of you out there are probably already out for summer vacation! Grr! Anyways back to the point last Friday I had an awesome school day meaning I did nothing in school. In Algebra I had a trigonometry test which took me about 20 minutes to complete since it was very short and easy since Mr. Nojuice had us memorize the sine, cosine and tangent for 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees. According to him having it memorized will help us immensely in IB Math I so I better ace that first quarter which is dedicated solely to trig...

French as we should all know by know is a joke at my school. I basically watched Veronica Mars (that's a TV show not a person btw) all class long. Then the fun part came and I went to my Induction Ceremony for being the new (but not really) Class of 2013 Treasurer! I got to skip 3rd and 4th block for the following:

Free sandwiches
Free desserts
Homecoming Ideas
Homecoming Executive Decisions
Class of 2013 planning for the next school year.

I spent 3 and a half hours doing those four things. It was awesome and I am super psyched for next year, the theme is very cool and I can assure as the treasurer that my Class will not end up paying $200 for senior dues like the Junior class is. I found it so found to just have a meeting and plan things that I know will get done, I felt so official. I wonder if it will be like that 20 years from now? Me collaborating with my co-workers and making real executive decisions? I hope so!

After stuffing myself with all of the good food that the SGA (Student Government Association) had for me I went to an Ice Cream social for the HLC (Hispanic Leadership Club). It was very chill (ha ha get it?) and I found out that I will have a "working lunch" after school next Wednesday for even more planning for the future of the HLC this time! I love the term "working lunch" I need to hurry up and graduate school already!

Very cool restaurant layout =]
As if I didn't feel fancy and mature enough I went out with my family (sans Valeria and Isabella) to one of the restaurants that my dad's new boss owns (hooray for having José Andrés as your boss! I believe a certain reader would call that a name drop ;P ). I was very nervous about eating at Zaytinia (that's Greek for olive oil fyi) because it was mostly Greek, Lebanese and Turkish food which I have never dealt too much with. I am happy to say though that it was amazing! The food was served mezze style (very small plates, similar to Spanish tapas) and was delicious. Not only that but I surprised myself by how many new things I tried! Believe it or not I had octopus and radish for the first as well as fried squid. It was so yummy I feel like such an idiot for never trying it before! Another cool thing (which reminded me of Glee actually) was that they constantly brought you fresh pita to the table (just like Glee's Breadsticks restaurant). Apparently Greek people are very fond of yogourt because half the dishes on the menu brought yogurt on the side...even dessert!

Hummus, htipiti, baba ghanoush and a lot of other things you could slather on your pieces of pita!
My older sister, Nicole, and I

Overall I am very happy that I stepped out of my normal food limits and tried everything that was brought to the table. This is definitely a contender for my 17th birthday dinner ;)



The Kecar Experience

Disclaimer: For any of my previous teachers, I apologize I haven't written a blog post dedicated for you. Maybe one day you'll be featured but for now you'll have to wait!

Every so often in life I have seen you will find a teacher that truly makes an impact in your life. Or they simply bring more to the classroom than is listed on the curriculum. Mr. Kecar has been one such teacher and his students have affectionately called taking a class with him The Kecar Experience.

Government in itself is an interesting topic but when you have a teacher that is a liberal (and very proud) arguing with conservative students the classroom experience shoots up to another level. Maybe it's because we're allowed to voice our true opinions and argue about controversial topics that the class is so interesting, after all, politics is one of the taboo subjects for teachers. Apparently when you teach Government its not because Mr. Kecar was never afraid to show his true Democrat colors! He wasn't (normally) overpowering or trying to "convert" you to his beliefs but when you would argue about the other point of view you had better make sure that you knew what you were talking about and had a strong argument otherwise Mr. Kecar would crush you. Such intense debate really helped myself and classmates think about what we as individuals believed and valued as opposed to what our parents, friends and the media have been telling us to believe. Thanks to Mr. Kecar I now know how I would vote on certain issues even though it might not have been what he believes in. But he respects that and is proud of how we have grown as citizens (I would hope...)

Which is probably why when we went to his classroom we found on a note on his door that directed us outside to the trailers. We as a class had moved out of the trailers earlier that year so I had no idea what was going on. When I saw the following you have no idea how happy I was to have Mr. Kecar as a teacher.

Barbecueeeeeeeee! There where dogs and burgers and drinks and even a cake that Cappy made in honor of Annmarie's birthday which was yesterday (Happy Birthday Annie!) It was such a nice gesture which reciprocated one of Kecar's most famous sayings: How are you going to help me to help you? Well we've been working our butts off all year and he decided to help us out with a nice relaxing day (that's not to say the last 30 minutes weren't spent studying but as a Dominican phrase says: barriga llena, corazón contento!)

The rest of the day was also spent nicely. I took my final notes for Algebra and have my last unit test tomorrow. In French I was a guinea pig for a standardized French Language test created by Fairfax County that was 100 questions long and I barely finished before the end of the bell (!) There was a reading, listening, grammar, culture and writing part, how crazy! After school though things slowed down really nicely. Cappy drove me (!) to Robeks for some delicious healthy smoothies and then we went to the pool. It was so relaxing to just dip in for a few minutes and then dry out with the sun's rays. We only spent an hour there pouring over the yearbook I picked up today but it felt like so much longer (I'll miss you when you leave for Guatemala Cappy!) It was a great day and I look forward to the chill half-days to come next week.


My dad just informed me that he ate GRASSHOPPER TACOS!!! Ahhhhh ew!


Run, Andre, Run

For those of you who don't know last Winter I joined the track team and actually lasted the entire season, no quitter here! For the most part I enjoyed doing track practice however I did not like the track meets. My nerves would go crazy and I got too anxious. Nonetheless I enjoyed practice and running in circles in 200, 400, or 500 meter segments. So I was (sort of) sad when the season ended and I started gaining weight because I was still eating like an athlete.

So I decided a few weeks ago to start running again. Well technically I started last Monday because of weather issues but it's all good now. I have promised myself to run 3 times a week before school. That means waking up at 4:45 but that beats running in the 90 degree heat at like 3 or 4. Plus my afternoons are to valuable to me.

Thanks to one of my running obsessed friends (thanks Maddy!) I now have a way to document my running routes as well as see how far it is that I am running. It took me a while to learn how to use it but mapmyrun.com has proven to be useful so far. According to the running map I made of this morning's run I ran 1.5 miles which I think is pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Another mile and a half and I am technically running a 5K. Which honestly I'm pretty sure I can run so I'm going to put that on my goals list for the summer: run at least a 5K. And I would love to run it with a friend, anyone out there interested?

Some people think I'm crazy for waking up so early to run and its not that I'm doing it to lose weight or anything. I just enjoy waking up and running through the empty streets with no cars or noise in the distance. Just me and sometimes my iPod (which according to a friend's dad, your not supposed to run with an iPod but if I don't the run seems to drag on foreverrr). It is also one of the only moments in the day where I can really clear my head and figure out what exactly it is that needs to be accomplished that day. The other only moment I have is now at 11:30 after everyone is alseep. But by now I'm dying to go to bed and don't even want to think about the fact that I have to wake up in less than 6 hours, I am getting my Algebra SOL score back tomorrow, I left my science fair poster with my parnter to finish (!) or that I have work again tomorrow...but of course if I'm listing these things down then that means I'm thinking about them...*sigh* I'll leave you now.

Andre the Jogger


First Splash

Ah if only weekends lasted longer! I am a total advocate for the 3 day weekend, I think it should be permanent because 2 days is simply not enough, especially with a job!

For some reason though my boss scheduled me to work right after school on Friday until 6 PM all by myself! It was the first time where I was completely alone in the store (and had a Friday night off...) which means my boss trusts me not to burn the place down (which if you think about it is sort of impossible because we don't use ovens or anything)! I always like working alone in school but working alone at my job is kind of boring especially if you aren't helping costumers =/ There was no point in restocking either since it was Friday and my co-workers would just have to restock at the end of the night anyways. So I made waffle cones! =]

Luckily my boring shift was then saved thanks to Cappy! She accompanied me while I scarfed down an entire Chipotle burrito (!) in less than 10 minutes and then we hurried to the movie theater. We watched X-Men: First Class which I really enjoyed. I actually really like all of the X-Men movies, I've watched them all. It must be the inner nerdiness within me or something. And I'm sure the awesome 21st century special effect also help. The best part of the night? I was in bed by 10!

I was a complete sloth and did not wake up until 10 the next day. After a three hour trip to Costco (my 3rd home, can anyone guess where my 2nd is??) I decided that I needed to work on my unneeded tan. And what better way to spend some pool time than with my two oldest friends in the world?

Someone looks like they're having fun!

I might have the tan down but the body still needs some more work lol
Sunday was spent peacefully with some church, laundry and more work. School work you ask? I threw it in my closet and haven't looked at it since. Hopefully the consequences aren't too bad tomorrow!



Top 7 Wishes for Glee 3

After about 10 since it's premiere I finally had a chance to watch the season finale of Glee's second season. It was amazing and I am very sad to say good bye to Glee for the next few months. As I mentioned here I like Glee because of the music and the things that the writers have the actors say are hilarious. However, the plot line could definitely be written a little better...so I have decided to bring it upon myself to write my Top 7 wishes for Glee Season 3.

1. Tina Needs to Finish a Song
I don't remember a single song in the whole entire season which Tina sings alone. Every time the poor girl sings things go funny. She broke down crying during the Valentine's Day episode and was booed of the stage in another episode. the only time I remember her singing was in "The Dog Days Are Over" but then again Mercedes is wailing and screaming in the background so she doesn't really get to shine. So let's just give Tina, who is on the actual cast unlike Sam or Sunshine or Blaine, a solo please.

2. Get Emma and Schuester Together
They have been chasing each other for two seasons in a row yet always get distracted by other people. We all know that they love each other so it's about time they get together in the third season. Plus Schuester is annoying and maybe if they pair him and Emma up he'll appear less (or even better, won't sing as much).

3. More Rachel/Kurt Moments!
Of all of the characters on the show i think that Rachel and Kurt have the most chemistry. Not attracted to each other of course but their friendship seems most realistic. Sure the other characters are friends but at least Rachel and Kurt's friendship is platonic whilst everyone else has some secret agenda. Plus whenever they get together to sing its magical and touching (Defying Gravity, Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy, For Good).

4. Other Glee Clubs
But not like the Warblers. Not that I didn't like the Warblers but they were featured way to often. What I mean by other Glee Clubs is the ones that appear at the competitions. Like the girls in white dresses at Nationals or even Vocal Adrenaline. It's always a nice change of pace when there's a different Glee club singing if only for a minute or two.

5. More Original Songs
I don't know why I was so against the idea of Glee singing original songs but when you have songs like "Trouty Mouth" and "My Cup" there's no wonder why I love them now. The kids come up with the most hilarious lyrics whenever they are writing new songs. And their more serious songs for competitions are also good (especially since I have had "Light Up The World" stuck in my head every morning I wake up).

6. Have Sue Disappear for a While
This sounds odd coming from me since Sue is without a doubt my favorite on the show but I feel as if the writers of Glee need to take her off the show for a while. In the last two season Sue has had several ups and downs from hating Glee club and Schuester to being bffs with Schuester to pushing kids into lockers to being devastated by her handicapped sister's death. I believe that Sue might be having an identity crises and the writers need to decide what direction she's going to go in for the next season. If that means taking her off for a while, so be it.

7. Stop Being Inconsistent!
Like I mentioned, Sue doen't really know what she wants anymore and neither do the other characters. The actors will say something one episode and then have it never happen the next. I remember Quinn threatening to ruin National's for everyone but there she was happily dancing along with everyone else. And once again, what the heck is going on with Karofsky? They spent the whole season building up his plot line and then they never finished it. To conclude, what is the purpose of Lauren? She's not even funny can we please get rid of her?

As you can see I have high expectations for Season 3 and hopefully I won't be disappointed. We'll see how that goes down...

Update You Later (I promise it won't be Glee related),