
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration!

So just so that you guys have an idea of how LATE I am in my blogging, I am going to bring you up to date with the important things that occurred in my life since...October 15th!

Hispanic Heritage Month is actually a misleading name, in my opinion, since it actually spans two months, from September 15th to October 15th (although I guess that is a month in terms of length...). So what better way to celebrate then to throw a party?! The Hispanic Leadership Club organized a "cultural celebration" on the night of October 14th and it was good times!

The President of the Hispanic Leadership Club, Patricia, and I
 There was a lot of good food such as pupusas and tamales and empanadas (made by my mommy!) I wasn't the photographer for the event so I only have a few pictures taken from some other girl's Facebook photos because otherwise I would have been sure to take pictures of the food table! (that's the fat kid in me writing!)

Full House! 

OMG triplets =]
After several tamales and a few salsa & bachata numbers later I helped pack up and left for home where I fell into bed only to be awoken a few hours later for a lame PSAT class.

Update You Later!

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