
Stressing School Schedule (Junior Year)

Hello world! Yes I am alive, do not worry! I am exhausted but promised myself that I would not go to bed without updating you guys on my life. It's been far too long since my last post although unfortunately this is how it might be until at least after November...

Like I mentioned, I'm exhausted. I really don't understand why I was so happy to begin school. I don't hate it just yet but boy do I dislike it. Everything is so much harder =[ I never took people seriously when they said that being a full IB student was hard and was always confused at their awe of full diploma candidates. Well I get it now. I have a ridiculous amount of homework, am involved in way too many clubs (I actually just sent out an e-mail today resigning as an ESOL Mentoring Program coordinator! Super bummed about that), am still working 5 days a week and I am averaging out about 5 hours of sleep on weekdays. I'm tired and it's not even the end of September! I guess I should tell you about my "wonderful" classes now -.-

IB Physics: I actually am enjoying this class so far. Many of my classmates last year chose to take two sciences and they told me that Physics was WAY easier than Chemistry and it's true. Half of the first unit was conversions of milliliters to Liters for example -.- My teacher, Mr. Nuetrino makes me laugh because he can be so awkward =] He'll try to be funny but no one gets it which then makes us laugh because he points out that we didn't laugh. He's pretty awesome though. I take this class every day due to it being a semester long class. Then, next semester I get to have a "free" block, hooray!

IB Psychology: This may be an "IB elective" but that doesn't stop it from being really challenging! It took me two weeks to get up to date with all the readings for this class! The teacher, Mr. Vans is one of those "cool young teachers" that everyone loves. The course itself is also really interesting even though I haven't gotten into any of the heavy psychology material. I can tell though that even though there is a lot of reading, I should be able to do well here. 

IB French: I'm so unprepared for this class. Once again, Ms. Hour is my French teacher and while I admire her ability to try and teach 4 different levels of French (because she is the only French teacher) I still don't feel as if I am learning that much. Am I paying attention this year? Well I'm trying at least even though I spend half the class time reviewing for HOA which comes afterwards...

IB History Of the Americas (HOA): I hate this class. So. Much. And yes, I complain about it because it's hard. This is without a doubt the most challenging IB class I'm taking. It also doesn't help that I have it with Mr. Charleston who (on top of being one of the biggest paper-waster) has a reputation as being the most challenging teacher. There's 20+ pages of reading every night which is then followed by a quiz at the beginning of class on the previous night's readings. It's so bad that this class keeps me up at night. Last night I was so anxious for the essay portion of out test today that I stayed up until midnight drafting an outline. Plus I know I have a solid B (there! I admitted it!) in that class so far which is really annoying me to no end. Things better turn around soon otherwise it'll tarnish my reputation.

IB Mathematics Standard Level (SL) 1: Well at least there's one class I know I have an A in. I love math so much and I'm doing great in SL Math because my Algebra 2 teacher, Mr. Nojuice, prepared me really well. Plus I love doing math homework (wow I'm such a nerd!) If I had to chose between working on 30 min of HOA or 2 hours of Math it's pretty obvious to me that Math will always win. Always.

Advanced Composition 2: This is my only non-IB class! It's with Ms. Pizzazz who makes me laugh all the time with her random stories (she has yet to tell us about her clown classes in the 6th grade!) I look forward to this class because the environment is not as pressured as in my other class. There's no "Here's what you need to know for the IB exam!" or "This is what the IB examiners are looking for". Here I am able to relax a little more and get back into the swing of being a writing center tutor. And this year I get to be the mentor to a group of Adv. Comp 1 students! But that deserves it's own post later on. We actually just had a leadership meeting today (I'm still the statistical analyst =] ) and I can't wait for how this school year will turn out!

IB English: It always amazes me how I can like Math and English almost equally (Math will always win!). The pace of the class is quick although it doesn't feel that way. I am really liking the teacher Mr. Windmill because he looks like he really enjoys teaching. Not only that but he really cares about his students. He's always asking us as a group and individually how we are doing which is something you don't always get from teachers. I look forward to learning from him he seems like an awesome teacher. And I heard today that he forces you to write a college essay near the end of the school year to start preparing for those college apps! 

And so concludes my stressing school schedule. Should I even begin on my exhausting extracurricular meetings? No I'm too tired and if I go to bed withing 10 min I might even get 6 hours of sleep. Whoop-dee-do. Adieu.


This is my 100th post, how cool is that!

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Andre! Yikes! Yeah, junior year is definitely time consuming, but I know you'll get through it. Just make sure not to over-extend yourself with outside activities (but also make sure not to give up everything you love and only focus on school - that will definitely just make things harder).

I love how you changed the names; I was really confused at first, like "wait! what happened to so and so!" but then it made sense. :P

Good luck with classes! I'm sure you'll do great (though that's not supposed to add any pressure!). :)