Blogging. Is. Amazing. It's been the best way for me to gather my thoughts and I love having a written record of my high school years. So go on, read, laugh and enjoy.
A Most Mystical Monument
Well no one took the time to guess (*scowl*) where my destination for the next day was and I will still not tell you. Instead I will go on a long and cumbersome rant about how ducks always seem to bob their heads when they move. Just kidding! Prepare yourself for over 20 pictures of my trip to the English countryside! I spent the last 20 minutes going from 37 pictures to 25 because they are just all so beautiful and I don't want to bore you with pictures! But then again I thought, "so what?? They probably want many pictures instead of long narrative paragraphs!" And so without further ado here is what I did on Sunday (mostly) narrated through pictures!
The day started off as a typical rainy day in England =[
But as I approached my destination the day turned sunny!
Ta-dah! One of the most mysterious and mystical places on Earth, Stonehenge has been around for over 4000 years! I actually learned a lot about the stones that were carried from far away to be constructed out here in the middle of the country through a little walkie-talkie like device that you put close to you ear. Calender, burial ground, cult-like worshiping place? The mystery of Stonehenge will probably never be revealed...
Notice the depressed ground, a moat used to encircle Stonehenge.
The Heel's purpose is still unknown...
My favorite picture of the +30 I ended up taking!
What the stones supposedly looked like when built back in 2500BC
We then went to Salisbury a few miles away. It was a splendid little town! "Monissimo" as my Spanish 'aunt' Amelia would say (mono = cute or adorable; monissimo = very cute/adorable). You could tell that the town was old by the size of some of the doorways, I felt like a giant sometimes!
Of course the reason Salisbury sounded so familiar is because when I was looking up places to go in the countryside of England, Salisbury Cathedral often-times showed up. It was stunning! It was the quintessence of English Gothic architecture in my opinion.
My Godfather and I
One of the things that I have noticed a lot is that the grass in England is always very green and healthy looking!
My favorite picture of the Cathedral with the amazing green grass and cloudless blue sky.
Ha ha I didn't even notice when this picture was taken of me while I was taking a picture of the Cathedral.
I look like such a tourist!
This is what I was taking a picture of I think.
I loved how the four little old ladies were just chillin' on the steps as if they were still teenage friends!
This picture was a must after being suggested I put it on my blog ;)
This was a diorama of the Cathedral when being built.
The Cathedral form the inside.
All throughout the Cathedral their were graces in the floor!
I felt a little squeamish walking on dead people's graves!
A courtyard in the Cathedral
Me, Amelia and little baby Ignacio's hand.
Above is a fountain whose surface was extremely static and looked like a black mirror! You could see the reflection of the roof on it, it was so solid looking and still. Amelia and I were very flabbergasted by it! It also had inscriptions on the side my favorite of which was, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you". There were also these weird sculptures (I don't know what else to call them) of people all over the Church they were very...weird. To me it just looked a little out of place in a church but that didn't stop me from snapping a few shots of and with them!
Chatting it up with the Italian one.
The glass windows killed me with their picturesqueness!
I also got to hear the choir practice and filmed them a little bit. Their voices were heavenly (he he he)! I don't know whether it was the acoustics of the Cathedral but their voices resonated throughout the whole church and sounded great.
There were lots of quaint little homes around Salisbury.
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