
This Place About to BLOW!!!

Oh, my God. Tonight has been one of the funnest yet this summer, I'm so mindblown I have no idea if this post will be coherent at all. You guys (should by now) know me. I am (usually) a strictly scheduled guy, nothing ever happens "spontaneously". I always plan things days and weeks in advance so that when the time comes, it will be an awesome well guided experience.

Well my friends I took a huge leap of faith last night when I was over at Cappy's house and Sara invited me to come with them to the Ke$ha concert. "What?? But I don't have a ticket..." That is not a problem for Sara apparently because she masterfully went on to craiglist.com and not only found a ticket that was pretty cheap and in the same section, but it was also in the same row! I am in total awe of her craiglisting skills. So I coughed up the money (I was so close to paying off my debt to my mom too...!), traded shifts with my coworker and blissfully went to sleep.

The next morning when I came down for 'breakfast' (as if it was already made, ha!) I could tell that my dear mother was about to tell me about how we would go to church and then when we get back I would have to back up all her pictures onto our external harddrive and then I would do homework and help her cook, etc. However it ended up being more like "Mom...I'm going to the Ke$ha concert tonight and need a ride to work now...thanks :)"

Work took foreverrr to end and then it was off to the concert! Even though we were all in the same row, Cappy and Sara were supposed to be like 10 seats to my left BUT by some fortunate event their seats were messed up or something and they got changed to sit...right in front of me! Not that we stayed like that for long I eventually just climbed into their row and we were all together =]

The concert was amazing to say the least. The first opening act, Spank Rock, was a little weird and deffinetely not my type of music but then they were replaced by LMFAO and the partyy started! now they really new how to put on a show! They had awesome dancers just moving wildly and contantly flipping it was so amazing to watch! Ke$ha was also great and really connected to the crowd by talking to us and explaining when/why she wrote the songs she was about to perform. I took over 130 pictures but created a slideshow of less than 50 for you guys to watch.

Some random thoughts that went through my mind during the concerts were 1) it's funny how some girls dress really...well, skanky, and they look really old until you notice that their cell phone case has Hello Kitty on it, they are wearing braces and that creepy old guy isn't trying to hit on them, he's their father!!! 2) I cannot believe that this is my first concert, why the heck haven't I been to more??? 3) That 10 year old should not be sitting right in the front row...in fact, they shouldn't be here at all! Ke$ha is definetely PG-16 material!

OMG! And a video for you guys too If you place close enough attention you can hear my amazing vocals in the background =]


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