Arghhhh sometimes I think I have such good balance when in reality I'm a complete klutz. Such as when I went and dropped my cell phone in the middle of Chipotle when I was with Mauricio two nights ago. Of course, my phone has fallen several (more like hundreds of...) times before but it just so happens that this time it falls at such an angle that it didn't turn on again! The battery had been kind of low so I figured that must have been why it didn't turn back on but here I am about 50 hours worth of charging later and the little bugger still won't come back to life.
I always underestimate the importance of my phone. I scoff at people who are addicted to their phones and moan about how they would die without one. I'm ashamed to say so but I believe I have turned into one of those people! Even though I am still breathing I feel as if someone has chopped off my right arm! I have reached into my pockets multiple times to check the time (even though I wear a watch) or my e-mails only to realize that my phone is not with me anymore =[ I can't text anyone, I can't BBM (Blackberry Message) Gaby, and I can't place a call. Do you know how frustrating it is to need to call someone to come and pick you up only to realize that you can't? Or the anxiety that I get of thinking about how people might be texting me and I can't respond! I feel as if I cannot properly function without my phone. I honestly feel a little depressed and lost without it.
The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was reach over to my nightstand to try and grab my phone but it, of course, was not there. Is this a bad thing, my dependence on a small piece of technology? Should I be scared of how vulnerable I feel without my phone nestled in my pockets? It's a hectic world out there and I sadly need my phone to get through it. My replacement better get here fast, expedited shipping does not feel like it is fast enough for me.
I forgot to mention this but a few hours before I broke my phone I was actually BBMing Gaby while donating blood! The two very key points there were that 1) I went and donated again (and didn't get dizzy at all this time!) and 2) I'm so attached to my phone that I can't even put it down while there is a huge needle stuck in my (left) arm (of course). I would post a picture of the needle that I took with the phone but...=/
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