
Summer Relaxation? I Think Not!

My dear readers,

I am so sorry to have abandoned you for such a long time! And it would have been longer still since I am dead tired and just want to go to sleep right now. But alas, I will write for the sake of your (and possibly my) sanity.

I. Am. Exhausted. I don't know why but this last week has been crazy! It's most certainly not what I envisioned my summer would be! I have yet to scratch a single item off my Summer To-Do List (!!! MAJOR RED FLAG!) I have not made a schedule of my week and I seem to live at my job. I've done 8 hour shifts for the past three days! Sure it'll pay off next week when we get our checks but I didn't really think my boss would take me seriously when I said he shouldn't fear working me like an animal (what the heck was I thinking?) Not only that but I always seem to manage to find things to fill up the time before my next shift and sleeping. 

For example on Friday I went to work and then went to the ever-so-popular Chipotle with a friend. After that we went on to go and see Transformers with Emma and Mersal. The movie would have been good had I known what was going on...plus we had terrible seats (way up in the front row!) and all I could focus on was how the actors clothes kept on changing throughout the film. (Yes, I am aware that people change clothes everyday thankyouverymuch, but I have no idea how Rosie Huntington-Whiteley went from stilettos to brown boots to grey flats in less than 5 minutes) Oh and the movie was 2 and a half hours so please don't ever ask me to review it because it was an experience I did not really enjoy!

Yesterday I came home after work for the first time ever to an empty house. It was pure bliss! I can honestly say that I haven't been home alone since like April when my Grandma, niece and sister all moved in. It reminded me of the beginning of sophomore year when I had like no after-school commitments, Valeria didn't get home until 4:30 and my parents were both at work. What better way to enjoy time alone than with a movie and ice cream? Unfortunately my movie selection was not-so-great (hmm there seems to be a trend) i watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was weird!!! I was enjoying it up until the part where Tim Curry comes out in fishnets to sing "Sweet Transvestite". The movie just turned creepy and eerie after that. There was a scene where some poor bloke (he he I'm already building up my British vocab!) named Eddie gets hacked to pieces with a pick ax in a freezer! Scary stuff.

After today's incredibly long shift I went over to Emma's for...well to be honest I'm not sure what it was but it was like a little dinner party. There was nachos and then a barbecue meal followed by some cupcakes (yum) and a good Game of Apples to Apples where I sadly only got ONE green card (you need seven to win and there where 8 other people playing, everyone else had at least 3 cards by the time the game was over).

So that's my little weekend update for you guys. I'm sorry I am not writing as much but I just don't know where to find the time. I've made a mental schedule for next week and it already seems packed. Summer relaxation where are you?


1 comment:

Deirdre said...


You have unfortunate movie luck (and good to know transformers wasn't that good, although the seat thing might have just made it worse, haha)! You should definitely watch I am Number Four (if you want action) or She's the Man (if you want comedy). Two of my favorites! (Why would you even attempt Rocky Horror Picture Show? I think I got that for Christmas and returned it :/)

Where do you work? Is it fun? Take time this summer to have fun, even if you're busy. Although, I have to say that I'm usually having the most fun while I'm busy... whatever.

We should start commenting on each other's blogs and keep in touch! This is a great way to know someone out there is reading too! :)
