
Studying Andre in School

It's complete! After exactly three months the non-profit One World Education organization has finished creating a curriculum around my essay, A Divided Island: Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to go to the Rotary Club of Capitol Hill's weekly meeting and present to them. It was actually very intimidating because I don't think I've ever presented in front of a group of adults, much less adult professionals. But they all received me kindly and applauded when I finished my little 5 minute speech.

Me, Eric Goldstein and the new Rotary Club, Sean McAlister.
I got to keep one of the little booklets that Eric brought to show everyone samples of the activities and worksheets that go with my essay. It's really awesome, there's a social studies unit, a science unit as well as an English unit. I think I've finally grasped how big of an accomplishment being selected as a One World Ambassador was. Thousands of kids (especially in the DC public schools) will be studying of my essay!!! Ahhhh! Ok well here's a little link that will show each discipline's unit in a little more detail, enjoy!

UYL, (Update You Later)


In case you don't know what the heck I'm talking about here's an old post that I did about winning the One World Education essay contest


Deirdre said...

Ahh! Andre, that is so cool! You're becoming famous! ;)

ANJ said...

That. Is. Awesome.